The NSAIS16 schedule is available HERE in pdf.

Tuesday – August 16th

Venue: Skinnarilan Sauna

09.00 Opening ceremony

09.15 Sessions I (Chair: Mikael Collan)

  1. Morreale, Stoklasa, and Talasek – Decision-making under different risk presentation forms: an empirical investigation from Czech Republic
  2. Luukka and Collan – Similarity based TOPSIS with WOWA aggregation
  3. Georgescu and Kinnunen – Mixed models for risk aversion, optimal saving and prudence

11.30 Lunch break (Lunch at the Student Union building, 300m walk)

12.20 Paper Sessions II (Chair: Jan Stoklasa)

  1. Kozlova, Luukka, Collan – Fuzzy inference system for real option valuation
  2. Stoklasa, Talasek, Kubatova, and Seitlova – Likert scales in group multiple-criteria evaluation: a distance-from-ideal based transition to fuzzy rules
  3. Lawryshyn, Luukka, Tam, Fan, and Collan – Estimating capital requirements for one- off operational risk events

13.45 Break

14.05 Paper Sessions III  – (Chair: Jozsef Mezei)

  1. Brunelli and Mezei – Approximate operations on fuzzy numbers: are they reliable?
  2. Scherbacheva, Haario, and Killeen – Modeling host-seeking behavior of African malaria vector mosquitoes in presence of long-lasting insecticidal nets
  3. Holecek and Talasova – Transitions between fuzzified aggregation operators
  4. Mattila – On Fuzzy-Valued Propositional Logic

15.45 End of the first workshop day

In the evening: Conference Evening program – Finnish Sauna with drinks and some BBQ


Wednesday – August 17th

Venue: Auditorium 7343.1

10.00 Keynote – Professor Christer Carlsson

11.00 Lunch break (Student union building)

12.00 Paper Session IV (Chair: Pasi Luukka)

  1. Talasek and Stoklasa – Linguistic approximation under different distances/similarity measures for fuzzy numbers
  2. De and Ahmed – A K-L divergence based Fuzzy No Reference Image Quality Assessment
  3. Nastac, Dragan, Isaic-Maniu – Profitability analysis of small and medium enterprises in Romania using neural and econometric tools
  4. Kukkurainen – Connection between triangular or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers and ideals

13.40 Break

14.00 Paper Session V–  (Chair: Leonid Chechurin)

  1. Efimov-Soini, Kozlova, Luukka,  and Collan – A multi-criteria decision-making tool         with information redundancy treatment for design evaluation
  2. Elfvengren, Lohtander, and Chechurin – Customer Need Based Concept  Development
  3. Kozlova, Chechurin, Efimov-Soini – Selecting an economic indicator for assisting  theory of inventive problem solving

15.40 Closing ceremony