NSAIS organizes workshops focused on softcomputing and intelligent systems within the geographic area within the reach of the society “Northern Europe”. The events are typically 1-3 day events with a peer reviewed proceedings / books of abstracts.
NSAIS´19 = NSAIS-ROW 2019 Workshop (information on incoming workshop)
NSAIS will organize, together with the Finnish Real Option Society the NSAIS-ROW 2019 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Real Options during the week 34 on Thursday and Friday – 22.-23. August, 2019 in Lappeenranta, Finland. The venue will be LUT University in Lappeenranta.
The workshop theme this time is: “Adaptive and Intelligent Systems and Real Options in the Context of Digitalization and Manufacturing 4.0” as it is a collaboration with the Finnish Operational Research Society and MFG40 (Manufacturing 4.0) Finnish Strategic Research Council project.
Both, theoretical and application-oriented papers are welcome within the scope of the workshop theme. The workshop is doctoral student friendly in that also work-in-progress papers can be presented.
Download the workshop schedule from HERE
Important dates:
15-Mar-2019 – Submission system is open LINK HERE
15-May-2019 – Short and full paper submission deadline (remember it is possible also to submit a 2 page abstract)
15-Jun-2019 – Notification of decisions
30-Jun-2019 – Registration deadline
15-Jul-2019 – Registration System is open! Registration fee is 200€
15-Jul-2019 – Camera-ready short and full paper deadline
22-Aug-2019 – Workshop starts
23-Aug-2019 – Workshop ends
Possible Special Issue submission deadlines will be communicated later; we have discussed about a special issue in the Scandinavian Journal of Business and have also ongoing discussions with another, more technically oriented journal.
Conference Venue:
Conference is held at the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Skinnarilankatu 34, 53851 Lappeenranta, Finland.
See campus map with indications (bus stop and specific building where the workshop is held) HERE in PDF. The workshop is held at the “student association building” (a white building to the left getting off the bus). On Tuesday there will be a small reception booth in the lobby of the student association building, where participants can register.
Bus number 5 with the direction “YLIOPISTO” goes directly to the University main building (last and automatic stop). The bus starts from the railway station, goes via the city center, and continues to the university (and vice versa). The schedule for the time of the conference is not yet available, but the busses generally go every 20 minutes or so. The bus ride to the university will take about 20 minutes from the city center and about 30 minutes from the railway station.
An interactive map of the city can be found here.
Paper Submission:
Participation on the workshop is based on ABSTRACTS that are published as a “book of abstracts”.
Researchers wishing to contribute to the workshop special issues are invited to submit FULL PAPERs (max. 12 pages). Observe that the full papers are NOT due on the same dates as the abstracts!
Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully prepare their abstracts (1-2 pages) according to the IEEE style using the template available at the workshop web-site. Only camera ready papers with the correct formatting can be published in the proceedings. The workshop does not provide any editing service. The format for the special issues is communicated later!
Submissions of the abstracts must not be anonymized = author information should be visible!
All papers must be submitted through the online submission system in PDF or MS Word format. The submission system was opened on March 15th, 2019.
Submitting a full paper is not a requirement for presentation! In such cases only a 1-2-page abstract can be submitted!
Local organizing committee:
Pasi Luukka, LUT, Finland (Chair)
Mikael Collan, LUT, Finland (Co-Chair)
Mariia Kozlova, LUT, Finland (Co-Chair)
International Scientific Programme Committee:
Pasi Luukka, LUT, Finland (Chair)
Mikael Collan, LUT, Finland, (Co-chair)
Mariia Kozlova, LUT, Finland
Jyrki Savolainen, LUT, Finland
Sheraz Ahmed, LUT, Finland
Eero Pätäri, LUT, Finland
Azzurra Morreale, LUT, Finland
Jan Stoklasa, LUT & Palacky, U., Finland & Czech Republic
Luigi Mittone, U. Trento, Italy
Matteo Brunelli, U. Trento, Italy
Jana Krejčí, U. Trento, Italy
Mario Fedrizzi, U. Trento, Italy
Yuri Lawryshyn, U. Toronto, Canada
Christer Carlsson, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Jozsef Mezei, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Xiaolu Wang, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Anna Sell, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Markku Heikkilä, Åbo Akademi, Finland
Julian Yeomans, U. York, Canada
Matt Davison, U. Western Ontario, Canada
Irina Georgescu, CSIE, Romania
Roberto Montemanni, IDSIA, Switzerland
Andri Riid, Tallinn UT., Estonia
Iulian Nastac, Polytechnic U. Bucharest, Romania
Detailed information about the workshop and contact information:
Pasi Luukka (Chair) [email protected]
Mikael Collan (Co-chair) [email protected]
The registration fee is 200€ and includes the lunches during the workshop and the conference dinner. Registration system (and integrated registration fee payment system) is available HERE SOON (incoming)
Directions on how to get to Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology Lappeenranta Campus from HERE
In association with:
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
FROS – Finnish Real Options Society
FORS – Finnish Operations Research Society
The previous workshop was organized in 2016 in Lappeenranta, Finland. View / Download the 2016 Proceedings from HERE