Workshop participation is based on submission of ABSTRACTS! There will be a “book of abstracts” published of all the submitted abstracts.
Researchers wishing to contribute to the workshop are ALSO in addition to the abstrac invited to submit FULL PAPERs (max. 12 pages) if they are interested in publishing in the connected SPECIAL ISSUES.
Work in progress papers are also accepted to be presented at the workshop!
Authors are strongly encouraged to carefully prepare their abstracts (1-2 pages of length) according to the IEEE style. Only camera ready papers with the correct formatting can be published in the proceedings. The workshop does not provide any editing service. The link to enter the submission system is HERE. The system will be opened on March 15th, 2019 (and is open at this time).
Template for Microsoft Word
Template for LaTeX (Windows)
All abstracts must be submitted through the online submission system in PDF format.
Submissions do not have to be anonymous = include author information on the submitted abstract!
Submissions will be reviewed by scientific committee chairmen, and successful papers by registered participants will be included in the conference book of abstracts.
More information about the SPECIAL ISSUE(s) connected to NSAIS-ROW 2019 will become available later on!